Låt oss skräddarsy er resa till CES 2022
Världens största hemelektronikmässa CES tar äntligen emot besökare igen. Oavsett om du reser med en kollega eller om ni reser med ledningsgruppen, hela företaget eller med era bästa kunder så skräddarsyr vi resan för er.

5-8 januari, 2022
Det nya året rivstartar med CES under fyra mässdagar..
Las Vegas, USA
Las Vegas Convention Center
3900 st utställare och 175 000 st besökare.

Go into the places only locals are familiar with. Visit little known hideouts and avenues that open the mind into what being a local is all about.

Go into the places only locals are familiar with. Visit little known hideouts and avenues that open the mind into what being a local is all about.

Go into the places only locals are familiar with. Visit little known hideouts and avenues that open the mind into what being a local is all about.

Go into the places only locals are familiar with. Visit little known hideouts and avenues that open the mind into what being a local is all about.

Go into the places only locals are familiar with. Visit little known hideouts and avenues that open the mind into what being a local is all about.

Go into the places only locals are familiar with. Visit little known hideouts and avenues that open the mind into what being a local is all about.